Wednesday, August 19, 2009

back with a vengence & summer nights

I can't exactly say what it is I've been up to the past three months. A lot of things really, they're all sort of jumbled up in my mind. The most prevalent being school. I'm starting at U of T in September and have been utilizing most of my free time preparing for it.

Among the many happenings of the past few months, I went to Winnipeg to visit family, my grandmother died, and I had surgery. Regardless, there is no excuse for me to not be proactive with my art, and essentially I was inspiration-starved for awhile with no outlet, let alone means to convey my innermost thoughts, and take pictures. 

But guess what... I'm back. And being out of excuses, summer almost at an end, and the imprisonment of school looming over my head I cannot help but be unleashed upon the city with my camera at my side.

Last night was one of those nights. You know those summer nights that don't end? You could be up until 4am and not even realize it's already the morning. Your skin is sticky with humidity. Drums, weed, banana bread, low riders, rooftops, makeouts, pool hops, dirty feet. I love summer. I seem to think I'm invincible when the weather also proves to be so. 


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